Sunday, March 14, 2010


I had never seen this gem. My friend Nick has been hassling me to see this film ever since I made him watch Kiki's Delivery Service. I kept putting it off. I don't know but that cover doesn't really make me want to rush out and watch it, even if it's Miyazaki!

My friend Nick has great taste and I can't recall being steered wrong from a recommendation by him, even if we greatly disagree on the epic brilliance that is the Korean vampire film Thirst. So after finally getting to see the Crimson begs the question...why has it taken me so long to see this film?!?!

I want to say that this is my favorite film so far that we've watched of his. Which is difficult to say because I have loved every film we've watched so far...but man...

It's really a different film for Miyazaki. the only magical element of it is the fact that he has this "spell" cast on him which makes Porco a pig.

There were really interesting issues as to how the other characters actually see Porco because there are two different occasions, first with Fio, when Porco tells the story of how he got his curse, but at the same time the story doesn't explain at all why his face looks like a pig. When he finishes it there's a moment where she glimpses and sees him as a man. Also at the end after Porco wins the fight his friend asks to see his face again because he for a second catches a glimpse of the pig as a man. By being a pig he is exluded from the laws of the world for rational humans. This allows Porco Rosso to exist in a sort of gray zone.

1 comment:

  1. First Off: Its funny that you mentioned the cover thing-- I always felt the same way every time I saw it in the Miyazaki section of the video store...It just doesn't emanate the same mystical magical feeling. I have a theory that it has to do with the nostalgic pose.


    Even though I liked the film much more after seeing it again ( I had seen it a couple months prior tp the screening--the english dubbed version. Ugh) I am not sure that I liked miyazaki's version of pastiche. It was entertaining and all, but it just seemed silly. And I hate the ending. I don't mind not knowing what happened with Porco, his face or with the girl. But the whole switching perspective and putting Fio in V.O.. I didn't understand why Miyazaki didn't just end the film as they are flying away.
